Short History
Over the time course, under the influence of social-economic reorganizations and the development of education, the organization of agronomic scientific research and academic life passed by various stages of the institutional structuring process.
The first agricultural scientific institution was founded in 1886 as the Central Agronomic Station, in 1927 becoming part of the Agronomic Research Institute of Romania.
The second half of the XIXth century and the beginning of the new century was the period which recorded the names of great forerunners in the process of agricultural education and research activity, like Ion Ionescu de la Brad, the author of the first handbook of agriculture and animal husbandry (1871), Petre S. Aurelian, Constantin Sandu-Aldea, Vlad Cârnu-Munteanu, G. Munteanu-Murgoci, Nicolae Filip, George Maior, C. Vasilescu, Carol Davila, Ion Athanasiu, Paul Riegler, Ioan Poienaru, Ioan Ştefan Furtună, V. Lucaci and others.